Thursday, February 10, 2011

Exercise is necessary for good health

I agree exercise is very good for your health. Exercise helps you manage your weight.
When you do physical activity, you burn calories. The harder you exercise, the more calories you burn. Also exercise is very good for your blood pressure, your cholesterol and your heart.

Exercise improves your mood. After a stressful day, a workout at the gym or 30 minute walk, can help you calmdown. Exercise makes you feel better, have more energy and perhaps live longer.

So exercise is nececcary for good health. Keep active and exercise, you will keep healthy.
Studies show people don't exercise, they have high blood pressure, heart disease and they look older than they are.


  1. I think this is a very well written paragraph. You have a topic sentence, you give evidence to support your ideas (eg after a stressful day...), and you have a nice concluding sentence.

    In terms of formatting, you should make this one paragraph - not three.

    NOTE: If you keep active and exercise, you will keep healthy.

    Well done!

  2. Yes, great concluding sentence!
