Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Egypt is a country in the north of Africa. It has the Mediterranean Sea to the north, the Red Sea to the east, Lybia to the west, and Sudan to the south. The natural resources are Oil, Gas and Cotton, as known all over the World the Egyptian cotton is the best in the world.

Egypt is a big country full of lots of attractions. The Pyramids in Cairo are one of the seven wonders of the world. The Nile is the longest river in the world. The Egyptian museum in Cairo, it is the place where you go to see lots of mummies, and old of Egyptian history things.

The main relagion is Aslam and 10% are christian. The Egyptian revolution started in 1919 to free the country from the English colonistion .The first language is Arabic, but some people speak English and French.

Ethar & Sawah

1 comment:

  1. Ethar and Sawah,

    Lots of information sorted sensibly into 3 paragraphs. Nice, concise second sentence. You could also finish it '..... to the west, and to the south, Sudan.'

    'The Egyptian museum in Cairo, it is the place....' No need for the 'it' since 'The Egyptian museum in Cairo' is the subject of the sentence.

    Well written guys! Good job!

