Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Royal Wedding - Sifa

When Prince William made announcement about engagement with his girlfriend Kate, many speculation has been coming out about the titles which the Queen should give them after marriage. The Prince prefer to remain as Prince William rather than a duke. This is because, he claimed that he actually born as prince and he wants Kate become Princess Catherine. However, his fiancee is comoner. Traditionally, someone got the titles Princess through their birth not marriage.

If Prince William, still not given a new title, the bride become Princess William not Princess Catherine. The Royal historian said, Kate is an ordinary people and she not be known as Princess Catherine. This is all up to Queen what title she wants to give them with one or two exceptions.

1 comment:

  1. Sifa,
    You've included all the important information. I like your two paragraphs.

    The grammar has slipped a little in this piece. Easy bits to find are missing articles, (before singular, countable nouns), and subject verb agreement, ('s' missing off third person singular).

    A couple of other mistakes relate to the use of the passive form, e.g. 'If Prince William IS still not given a new title...' Can you look up the passive form in a good grammar book? (I'll bring one to class as a sample.)If you have any questions, please come and ask.

    See you in class!
