Monday, July 18, 2011

Hakim Abol Ghasem Ferdowsi

Hakim Abol Ghasem Ferdowsi, who was born in Tos, Iran in 940, become the most famous poem in Iran and other country that speak Persion.

He is famous so Shahname or The Epic of Kings which is the most heroic couples of the world. Ferdowsi worked for thirty years to finished the book.A important honour of this work is that, he used only persion words in this book.

Ferdowsi died in 1020 after 72 years.

Ahmad Rahimi

1 comment:

  1. Rahimi,

    It's a bit short. Well done for using your own words?

    What was he like personally? Was he married? Where did he live? If he took 30 years to finish the book, what was his job?

    A few changes:

    poet - person
    poem - thing
    Perssian speaking world
    ....famous for....

    Can you add in the information about 30 years as a non - defining relative clause?

    See you tomorrow!
