Sunday, June 27, 2010

Too old to be a mum?

Hi all. There are three questions from this article, i would prefer to share the information based on question:

What is the ideal age to become a mother?
- According to the article, fertility clinics,women above 45 are not suitable to be pregnant. For me, the age is not the vital fact but the mentality is the point.

What are the disadvantages and advantages of becoming a mother when you are old?
- to be honest with you, there is no answer from the article! For my opinion, the disadvantage is the mum might not be able to look after the child due to the physical constraint. The advantage could be a better bringing up for children as an older mum is more experienced.

What effect may having elderly parents have on children?
- Young children might feel lonely, helpless when the elderly parents have passed away

I was impressed by the elderly parents, especially mum because she is facing the greatest risk when giving birth as well as the illness developed after that. No matter what the elderly parents has decided, it should be for the sake of children.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Evan.

    Depending on your child, being a parent is exhausting so that's the benefit of being a young parent, I think. Also, did the article mention the higher medical risks involved with being and older mother? There are more chances that things can go wrong.

