Thursday, September 29, 2011

Supporting statement - Mehran

I planing to go to the university because it`s very usful for me in the future if I want to be saccesful.for example for find a job and have promtion in my job,also these days the nomber of people who have an university`s certificate is incress in our country ,as a result it`s very important


  1. Good luck Mehran.But, it is will be better if you tell us where you going to apply and reason

  2. I have found these mistakes:
    1- "for find a job" it should be "to find a job"
    2- "is incress" should be "is incressing"
    I reckon that it's pretty short, but GOOD JOB^^

  3. First you have some spelling mistakes such as usful (useful), saccesful (successful)and others.
    Secondly,your eassy is too short and weak because is not good content and does not have enough information.

  4. There are a lot of spelling mistakes that make it quite difficult to read - make sure you check spelling - use the spell checker to help.
    I'd agree with the other comments above.
