Sunday, July 10, 2011

My name is Mahamat Abdelkerim koiboro.I'm from Chad and I'm 20 years old. I'm not married (single). I'm here in Malaysia since 5 months and it's for study reason. I speak 2 languages fluently(French and Arabic) and the third one will be the English.

I like swimming and playing football and find them really enjoyable. With my friends, not always, I like hanging out with them. Contrairy to Emma, the thing that I hate most it's pet. I definetly don't like an animal in my house. I used to read French books,that was among my hobbies in high-school. I would like to continue my study in ingenering specialy civil engenering in University of Notthingham campus Malaysia. I'm starting in september of this year if God is willing.

There is one impression thing about my family that I forgot to relate in this paragraph. We are 17 siblings,12 brothers and 5 sisters with 3 mothers. That will be really impressif for some. Anyway,that was about me and I wish you will enjoy to read it.


  1. Mahamat,

    Unlike me, you speak two languages fluently. I only speak one!

    17 siblings is certianly a lot. You must keep the three mothers very busy!

    Are you doing the IELTS exam? When is it?

    See you tomorrow!

  2. yes, i'm doing IELTS exam;this is my plan. It will be before septembre,i mean before to apply for the university. so do you have any advice to give me? do you thing i can get it? Am i ready to do it?
