Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Smokers might decrease through the ban of government

I found out that smoking rates in Britain and other European countries have been coming down in recent years and that decrease was reflectled the falling rates of deseases like lung cancer.

Q: How do the number of smokers reducing?
This is because of various policies including a ban of advertising, putting grisly pictures on packet and raising the age of sale of tobacco to 18. This seem like have changing consumer lifestyle choices.

Eventually,it would be awesome if our country follow the steps of them to ban the smokers. I absolutely hate the "smell" of smoke and hope that our government will take action to solve such problems. Our government should rely on"saves lifes and protect health".

1 comment:

  1. Ali Dehghani Iran

    1-Do you think smoking should be banned?
    Not realy because the goverment take a tax from smoke company ,also many people working in smoke company.

    2-How can we encourage people to stop smoking?
    we encourage smokers to paley sport

    3-Should smokers pay more for health care?
    Yes of course,also smokers has alot of problem. heart attack and cancer are smoke's sick
